Monday, 26 September 2011

Location Recce

My Location Recce

Look around the location.
Yes. All locations are suitable.
No added problems and not many cars around.
Talk to people there, organise filming permissions.
Filming permission only needed at the train station.
Asked train station beforehand. Everything was all ok to film there.
Identify the equipment you need to use.
Film camera. Tripod, Umbrella in case it rains to cover camera. Photo camera to take shots of locations.
Everything packed ready for shooting.
Examine and identify any potential health and safety issues
(Both people and equipment related issues e.g. crowd numbers being controlled; using safe cabling practices and video equipment being set up in a sensible location that does not block access points or that damages the environment or frightens livestock)
Only hazards would be the cars coming down the road on the straight mile fast. The crowd of people at the train station. The camera all charged.
Had to make sure no rain got onto the technologie.
Check the position of the sun and lighting conditions.
Sun was headed down as was mid-late afternoon. Still light
Nothing to add.
Look for interesting shots and camera angles.
Yes. Had  pretty open spaces easy to capture shots
Only problem was having to move for cars to pass.
Check the electricity supply. (For the majority of exterior locations you will be using battery power)
No, not suitable place to charge camera apart from inside scene
Had to stop at one point to go back and charge camera.
Do a test sound/video recording and check for potential noise problems (traffic noise may be a problem; is a location on a main flight path to an airport?)
Traffic noise. Other train noises.
Wasn’t too much of a problem.
Confirm times and dates with technical crew/actors or anybody you are interviewing, etc.
Yes locations were set and organised at a certain time.
Everyone was told.
Arrange car parking, access, loading, security, where possible.
No car parking
Not needed
Make sure everybody concerned with your video production knows what is happening and what is expected of them when on location.
They were given a call sheet and information and the script at the location start.
Everyone was aware of what to do.

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